This week has been an in-between week for us: my son had finished his school term, but hadn’t yet started his activities programme. So we’ve been swinging between these scenarios: him, TV (Clan), me, computer (work); him, learning how to…
Todos necesitamos un poco de… color
In the midst of these interesting political times, I thought it might be good to have a change of topic. A splash of colour. Some blooming marvellous flora. As part of my ongoing research into pretty much everything and everywhere…
Catching the wave: a march for fairer democracy
Last night I was back down at the Setas, this time with my family, partly to take them up to the pasarela (kids not overly impressed – too young – more interested in Roman ruins seen while waiting for the…
El pueblo no se calla: the Spanish revolution
Last night I went down to the Setas, Seville’s new architectural phenomenon. This is the focus of the city’s 15-M acampada (camp-out), our smaller version of Madrid’s 25,000-strong settlement at Puerta del Sol, demanding social, political and economic change, which…