I´m too hot, I want to go back to England. Our flight (me and toddler) is only nine days away, but they are nine tantalising, torturous days, nine days of 40-degree-heat-without-air-con, nine days of listlessless and drowsiness, nine days of…
´Cultural differences´
This widely used (and abused) expression can cover pretty much any part of life – social, religious, relationships, families, work, local customs – and is frequently used to explain and excuse disagreements – well, in my experience, anyway! For me,…
Heat and dust
Summer´s arrived, which means searing heat and dazzling sunshine by 10am, sunglasses and sunblock a daily neccessity, mosquitoes at night, as well as the most varied collection of bugs that I´ve seen anywhere outside a natural history museum – flying,…
Good Things and Bad Things about living in Spain
Good Things about living in (southern) Spain the weather – sun, sun, sun – even in winter eating out – cheap, good and quick (mostly) laid-back attitude – no rush, get here when you can, noone minds if you´re late…
Pondering on life in Spain
I ´started´ this blog years ago, but haven´t posted hardly anything because I don´t really get who my audience is, who I´m writing for – people who know me? People who also live in Spain? People who are thinking of…