Just a quickie, a few observations on the delights of bringing up bilingual kids. My kids (aged 4.5 and 2) both speak English and Spanish. My son (4.5) can switch fairly easily between the two (he speaks English to me,…
Cures and scares from the abuelas
My daughter had chicken pox recently, quite badly, and was covered in horrid itchy red spots for days. One of the treatments I’d read about – book, website, parents’ forum, can’t remember where – was a camomile bath, using an…
New (four-legged) addition to the family
I've been pondering about whether to start another blog, a second one (well, third, if you count the work one) to talk about family stuff – still Spain/Seville-related, but more personal. For now, I'll just stick with this one, although my recent…
Ancient history underneath the mushrooms
I spend weeks at a time thinking, I must write a post for my blog, but I never seem to manage to get around to actually doing it. Until I see a good Seville blog, which makes me think I must…
Stolen babies
There is a new scandal which is slowly coming to light here in Spain. Last year, there were a few stories in the press on the subject; now, there is a flood, with newspaper and TV reports appearing daily. Today,…