Yesterday I injured myself in a particularly moronic way. I stubbed my foot, really hard, against the wall, and as a result my big toe was agony – so painful that I couldn’t put any weight on that part of…
Mosaic owls and pink flamingos
As part of my plan to get the family out of the house on Sundays, to avoid driving each other mad or watching so much TV we become zombies, we’ve made two visits to nearby places of interest – last…
A Post a Day
I’ve gone and promised fellow blogger and writer Digamama that I will rise to the challenge of “A post a Day” for the month of October (it’s a WordPress thing). I must be mad. But, as I said to her,…
The lost craft of writing, or how I need to rediscover my mojo
Like most journalists, I originally got into the profession because I love writing. I love the craft, the form, the polishing; expressing myself, then tweaking and fiddling with the phrasing and structure until, at last, I’m happy. But as the…

Over the border
I live in Andalucia, and write about it for a living. So when it comes to holidays, my first instinct is to head in the other direction – in this case, Portugal. I still take endless photos (because I enjoy…