I always find Monday’s and Thursday’s blog posts harder than the others, since I’ve already done one post on those days for my other, work (ie paid) blog. Monday is not too bad, start of the week, but by Thursday…
In praise of the suegra
As I mentioned in my Post A Day a couple of days ago, there are more public holidays in Spain than you could shake a stick at – you’d certainly get very tired trying. For parents, this results in a…
Sign of the times?
I stumbled across a story on Twitter today, as you do, when searching around half-heartedly for an interesting topic for today’s blog post. It said “Spanish workers made to wear toilet sign”. I’m very disciplined (unusually so) in which links…
High days and holidays
It’s a local holiday where I live today – the dia de resaca (hangover day) for the romeria. This has no effect on my work, in terms of having a day off, since my home is my office and I’m…