Whose great idea was this Wordless Wednesday? I’d like to shake him/her by the hand. Why? Because it gives me the opportunity to do a post which is all pictures. So this week, the last of October’s Post A Day…
Eco Sevilla – part 2: for the grown-ups
Yesterday I wrote about the excellent and popular activities available for eco-kids at the first-ever eco show in Seville, held last week. Today I’ll tell you about some of the more grown-up excitements which I came across, foodie and otherwise.…
Seville’s new Eco show – a hit with the kids
It shows just how important social media has become in promoting events, that over 60% of those polled on Eco Sevilla’s website about how they had heard about the show, had seen it mentioned on FB, Twitter or similar –…
Favourite Spanish political chants
With all the occupations going on around the world now – and I’m talking Wall Street and St Paul’s, not the Gaza Strip – here’s are a couple of (very short, poor quality) videos from one of the pro-democracy demonstrations back…
Gorgeous gloves and design-your-own hats
It’s nearly the end of the week, and I think we all need a little light relief from dead dictators, stolen babies and oppressed women. So I’m bringing you some clothes-related news I’ve spotted recently. H&M and Versace have got…