Last weekend, we made one of our day trips, to Sanlucar de Barrameda, a coastal town near Jerez and Cadiz, just across the mouth of the Guadalquivir river from Doñana National Park (seen in the distance in this photo). The…
Expo 92, Take II: shiny surface v ugly underbelly
Exactly a month ago, Seville celebrated the 20th anniversary of the opening of Expo 92, the global event which brought the world to Seville, and Seville to the world, during six amazing months (20 April – 12 October 1992), changing…
Floral fest: the Patios of Córdoba
Spring is festival time here in Andalucia. After the Feria de Abril in Sevilla, with its fabulous frilly flamenca frocks, and elegant horse-riders of all ages, comes the Feria de Caballo in Jerez, which is on now and lasts until next Sunday…
Saturday Caption Competition
Subscribers to this blog may be somewhat surprised to see a second blog post within 24 hours. The reason for this unprecedented event is because me and my daughter were looking though the photos from our family trip to the…
Feria II: Suits you, sir (and you too, madam)
Supremely elegant: an amazona in a traditional suit for riding side-saddle, at the Feria de Abril in Sevilla. Yes, I know it finished nearly a week ago, but I spent the last week catching up on all the work I…