Last week was Reyes, the day Spanish kids most look forward to the whole year, because it means PRESENTS! The Reyes Magos – Baltazar (Moor), Melchior (white beard) and Gaspar (the other one, although just to confuse, our Gaspar also…
The royal postperson comes to town: “Is it cos I is black?”
On 6 January the Reyes Magos (Three Wise Men, or Three Kings) visit towns and villages throughout Spain, arriving by helicopter, boat, elephant or camel, depending on the extent of each ayuntamiento (town hall)’s budget deficit. This is the biggest day…
Sunday in the countryside: lakes and mountains, toros bravos and pata negra cochinos
Yesterday we decided to make the most of the beautiful weather and head off into the Sierra Norte, to see the lakes near Guillena. This area is about 40 minutes’ drive from Seville. As usual, we had no idea where…
Big romeria’s little brother
Three weeks ago, it was our local romeria, the Romeria de Torrijos. We missed it this year, thanks to an impressive hangover, but today we made it to its little brother, Torrijos Chico. The destination for both events is the…
Morning glory
Every morning, when I’m driving the kids to school, we see a flock of birds wheeling around in the sky just above the spot where we park the car. On sunny mornings, which is more often that not, the sun…