Every week, Sue over at A Word in Your Ear posts a photo theme – colour, texture, or whatever. They always look like fun, and I often think of photos I’ve taken which would be ideal for a post, but…
Want: 9 things I’d quite like, er, please
I’m not that active in the mummy blogging sphere, although there are a few Spanish or travel-themed ones which I read regularly. So when I saw that fellow ex-Londoner, adoptive-Andalucian Bibsey Mama had tagged me in a meme, under her section heading…
A colourful romería
Last Sunday was our local romería, which I’ve blogged about before. The Romería de Torrijos takes place in Valencina de la Concepcion, near Seville, on the second Sunday of October. I covered all the historical background in the previous post –…
Walking in Sevilla province: pine forests, glades and lakes
This year, I’ve decided to make an effort to get out of the house with the kids at least once every weekend, to go on a little adventure. Within easy distance – in other words, inside Sevilla province. Which gives…
Here come the Reyes: part two
Last week was Reyes, the day Spanish kids most look forward to the whole year, because it means PRESENTS! The Reyes Magos – Baltazar (Moor), Melchior (white beard) and Gaspar (the other one, although just to confuse, our Gaspar also…