In the midst of these interesting political times, I thought it might be good to have a change of topic. A splash of colour. Some blooming marvellous flora. As part of my ongoing research into pretty much everything and everywhere…
Catching the wave: a march for fairer democracy
Last night I was back down at the Setas, this time with my family, partly to take them up to the pasarela (kids not overly impressed – too young – more interested in Roman ruins seen while waiting for the…

El pueblo no se calla: the Spanish revolution
Last night I went down to the Setas, Seville’s new architectural phenomenon. This is the focus of the city’s 15-M acampada (camp-out), our smaller version of Madrid’s 25,000-strong settlement at Puerta del Sol, demanding social, political and economic change, which…
Viva la Feria!
So, it’s all over for another year. Tonight its the last night of the Feria de Sevilla, although most Sevillanos haven’t been since Friday – the weekend is for the foraneos (outsiders); much fewer women dress up in their trajes…