Whose great idea was this Wordless Wednesday? I’d like to shake him/her by the hand. Why? Because it gives me the opportunity to do a post which is all pictures. So this week, the last of October’s Post A Day…
Eco Sevilla – part 2: for the grown-ups
Yesterday I wrote about the excellent and popular activities available for eco-kids at the first-ever eco show in Seville, held last week. Today I’ll tell you about some of the more grown-up excitements which I came across, foodie and otherwise.…
The green, green grass of home
Anywhere you choose to live will have its good and bad points – too much traffic, limited shopping, rubbish public transport. When people ask me what I like about living in Seville, I say 1) the weather, 2) it’s a…
High days and holidays
It’s a local holiday where I live today – the dia de resaca (hangover day) for the romeria. This has no effect on my work, in terms of having a day off, since my home is my office and I’m…
My favourite gadget
No, it’s not an Apple. I’m not going to launch into a paean of praise for Steve Jobs, although I have owned an imac and an ipod, both of which I found very user-friendly, and I had been pondering whether…