Produce from around Seville province: mantecado biscuits, bitter (and sweet) oranges, and extra virgin olive oil.
A weekend of goat-herding, donkey-walking and flamenco in the Axarquía
Just before lockdown, back in February when the first few cases of Covid-19 had been identified here in Seville but life was still normal, we took a weekend trip down to the Axarquía region of Malaga province. Little did we…
Cooking luxe in the Algarve
A family trip to Pine Cliffs Resort in the Algarve, Portugal, including a cooking class at Mimo.
Five Days in Fez
Al-Karaouine Mosque and (the world’s oldest) University, founded by a woman in the ninth century. Picnic on the roof terrace of our Air BnB apartment in the Medina (technically shared, but no one else ever used it). The view from…
The Taste of Andalucia 2017 – new flavours and textures
Another odd-yeared September, another highly enjoyable few days spent sampling the latest gastronomic innovations from around Andalucia – and meeting the minds behind them. The biannual food exhibition, Andalucia Sabor, held its sixth edition in Seville last month, with as…